NCPI FHIR Implementation Guide
0.2.0 - ci-build

NCPI FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.2.0). See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: Study Variable Summary

Official URL: Version: 0.2.0
Draft as of 2023-06-12 Computable Name: StudyVariableSummary

An observation containing summary data associated with research data from FHIR.

Key Guidelines

The Study Variable Summary profile is based on the standard FHIR Observation and is intended to provide summary information for a single variable for either the entire research study, or one of its subgroups. The resource’s code must be set to an appropriate code describing that it’s a summary. The value[x] is set to an appropriate code either from the one of the Study’s data-dictionary tables or a public ontology associated with an appropriate entity to be summarized such as a code from HPO or Mondo. The summary details themselves will be captured in the Observation’s component property.

Added Profile Restrictions

  • In order to clarify the contents of the summary observation, the code MUST include the UMLs code, C0242482, for Summary Report.
  • To ensure uniform usability, the subject MUST only reference NCPI Study Group.
  • Again to enforce uniform behavior, there MUST be at least one focus and that MUST be one of the NCPI Research Study resources.
  • Because the entire purpose of the summary are the contents of the components, there MUST be at least one component.


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Observation

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Observation 0..*ObservationMeasurements and simple assertions
... code
.... coding 0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
Required Pattern: At least the following
..... system1..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: C0242482
..... display1..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
Fixed Value: Summary Report
... subject 0..1Reference(NCPI Study Group)Who and/or what the observation is about
... focus 1..*Reference(NCPI Research Study)What the observation is about, when it is not about the subject of record
.... value[x]:valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptActual result
... component 1..*BackboneElementComponent results

doco Documentation for this format


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron
